Saturday, December 15, 2007

Open Water Dive

Surfaced into the open oceans, greeted by warmth of the sun on your face with the chilly friendly breeze on your skin, and listening to the familiar sound of nature above, it was the feeling of sensations and satisfactions.

Diving underwater, encountered the nemo's, and all kinds of fishes with lively corals - it was like taken for a tour in a different dimensions. It was the role of the eyes to have an interactions with those beautiful things i've seen underwater that brings those messages into the heart.

At one moment, we were surrounded by groups of fishes with colours of all kind and it was soo, so beautiful! When you look down, you will see nemo's dancing its way around the sea weeds and the sea horse amongst the corals. The first thing that was uttered in my heart, "God, you are so amazingly creative, full of wisdom and beautiful for you have created all these things for humankind to see and enjoy! Thank You, Father!"

It was so much fun!!

Hence, below the pictures as promised.

Our dive on the second day at Mamutik Island.

Despite the continuous rain for the past few days and weeks, God answered my prayer - blue sky! Thank You!

My diving buddy, Eric.

Our BCD equipments.

At Sapi Island.

Eric & I with our dive master / instructor.

Slight conversation before deflating.

Our team.


uncle boy said...

Wah.. look soo much fun! Congratulations for your PADI License.. er you got it right?

SMT said...

Of course my dear!! I got the PADI license yay!!! I'll be swimming with the barracuda's and smiling at the turtles at Sipadan and Layang layang next year!! Hey! Get your PADI license then we can go for tour underwater!!

TZ said...

I'm so tempted to get the license at one time but chicken out... just can't get thru if i got stuck underwater how?

Anyway, i'm so enjoy snorkeling which i bought myself a set of snorkeling mask :-p

SMT said...

TZ, c'mon.. all you need is to overcome your fear. Its really fun underwater!! Thats the reason why we have to take the proper course, for safety and pre cautions! Snorkeling tak macho lar.. haha just kidding! But come on...