Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cell Group

Of late, life seems to be on a fast mode. Too many things happened at once. Meeting Sabrina last week, she broke the good news that she is getting hitched soon and will be settling down in the States. I'm happy for you, sweetie! But life in KL is not the same without you anymore.. :-(

A week before together with my cell group member we had a farewell dinner for Bernard who is leaving for the Land down under soon.

It was so much of reunion affair and kinda emo one (yalah! who said farewell party is to be of all happy event?) Been attending cell group together for the past four years, I felt that we have grown together spiritually as brothers and sisters where these wonderful people have been my spiritual well for the past years and never failed to show their love and concerns despite my poor attendance due to frequent travelling.

Coincidantly, It was Bernard's birthday too and he has this cake! :-)

The children were thrilled. Especially David and Declan.

These bunch of kids, i've seen growing before my eyes and I have never realized how times passed by very quickly when I met them again during the event. They have really grown up.

Presenting Phoebe, the eldest of Dr John's offspring.

And David, whom I really adore and this lil' guy is really quirky and adorable at the same time.

Brian, the coolest of them all. I would say that this guy has tendency to break many girls heart in the future. ;-)

The siblings of Francis Chen's offspring - Leora and Brian. Shawn was not able to come because he has tuition class.

Now, this little girl - The youngest member of our CG - She really grow up fast and the last time I saw her was when she was still a grown up 'baby' and learning words. But today, she has grown into a wonderful and beautiful lady. Presenting Miss Leora Chen.. ;-)

I tricked her when I took this shot.

Because she is camera shy..

Moi with David.

Patsy - The eldest member and she can cook the nicest chinese dishes that I've ever had.

Mrs Chew whom I have seen the spiritual growth from a 'baby' till adult stage. Whoever sow the seed, must have been really blessed..

And we had wonderful meal, provided by Joy Cafe of DUMC.

The kiddos in action!

This wonderful family, Dr John and wife, Beng Nee whom we are really comfortable with.

My light moment with Richard, Francis (My CG leader) and Devong.

Table fellowship with my CG members.

And we had worship led by Dr John, after wonderful dinner.

'Hot Chair' session where everybody will say a word to Bernard. When it comes to my turn, I almost choked down tears when I mentioned that tragic year we have endured. I lost my brother, and Bernard lost his wonderful wife, Ellen.

It was so much of brotherly and sisterly love and fellowship that I felt that night.

And followed by prayer led by Chua, our Zone leader and Francis, the CG leader. We are sending Bernard off with prayer and blessings!

Finally, group photo.

Friends, it is all about fellowship. As I said before, Life does not meant to be stagnant but It has to move on. People comes into your life, for a reason, season and lifetime. And It is good that we leave a good legacy to people around you and it will be a seasons of blessings as they send you away with prayer when life leads you to different path.

Join a cell group. It helps and it builds.


Much Love,


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