Monday, November 19, 2007

Hai Jiwaku Pujilah Tuhan

Yesterday I join the Bahasa celebration for the first time in DUMC after we moved to the dream centre. After sending a friend to join my sister in the main hall, I rushed to level one looking for room 102 where the service is held. Finding the hall is not hard when you hear the beautiful singing by the Indonesian congregations and its just a beautiful melody in my heart listening to the singing especially when you know the background they are from and how they come to know the Saviour and grow up.

As I entered the hall, I could sense the heavy presence of the Holy Spirit - as how I sensed it at Mt Murud!! I chocked back tears and I just stood still, joined in the worship and I was trembling. Its the feeling of strong gush of water flowing and kept on flowing down, washing away my sin, guilt, shame and rubbish in my life. Its the vision of a mighty river flowing down from above and washed away rocks that built in my life path.

The past months has been a turbulent time for me and many heartache and confusion takes place and it was really hard and painful period. But God has sustained me. It is more of transition and shifting period to me and I was moved. For the times and hardship that I've been through has made me a stronger person and gives me more insights of life, endurance, love, compassion, humility, visions and rely on God. It put me more into perspective.

The sermon by the Korean pastor was amazingly beautiful!! He speaks fluent Indonesian language and he talked about Psalm 103 for it was a thanksgiving day.. The sermon was simple, direct and beautiful!

.... Raja Daud sendiri telah mengalami banyak perkara yang sukar di dalam hidupnya - ancaman, kematian, cobaan dll dan di atas semua itu, dia memilih untuk memuji Tuhan di atas apa yang di laluinya...

"Hai Jiwa ku, pujilah Tuhan..."

And I would say again today, "Hai Jiwaku, Pujilah Tuhan"

Whoever read this post today, God bless you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May God bless you too. =)