Saturday, October 20, 2007


Yes, today is my birthday.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of wishes that I've received from old friends and new friends over sms, facebook and email. K and I had dinner at Sakae Sushi last night followed by Desert Bar at Subang Parade and tonight, E & K took me out for Steamboat dinner (the best steamboat dinner) that I ever had. We had a great time over dinner and desert. Thank You!!

They are my friends, old friends, childhood friends - and we rarely see each other apart from infrequent sms or emails. But when it comes to occasions like birthday, grief and big day - you will suddenly see them by your side, and that alone enough to comfort and brings you joy. It is the fellowship of real friends.

Over dinner, an old friend of mine / roommates in campus called me just to wish me a Happy Birthday. We hardly contact each other after depart Uni and still she remembered my birthday. I was touched. This morning, SMS from my colleague R in Miri greeted me - the first time I received birthday wishes from her which I have no idea where does she knows it from, and I was touched. Thank You!

Just these simple gesture of rememberence are enough to humble me, looking into myself, my ownself. How I envy these friends, they have the gift of pondering things close to their heart and along the way, they did not realised how that simple gesture has actually moved and touched people's heart.

Thank you, everybody!!



Thank You.

Thank You for all the good times and the bad times of my life. Through the thick, thin, over the hilltop, down the valley, into the calm oceans, raging storms, fields of flowers and manna in the wilderness - You were there.

Thank You for my future, because I could see You there.

Thank You, Lord.



Anonymous said...


Happy belated birthday!! So, you know that you are getting older now and get yourself hitched soon! Hehehe


Ken Teo said...


Wishing you a blessed birthday!!! Smile, smile and smile a lot girl... :-)

SMT said...


Thanks.. I'll be waiting for your proposal then.. hahahaha Just kiddin! Okay..okay..


SMT said...


Thanks! Yip!! Smile..