Friday, October 19, 2007

What I Choose To Do

Anonymous said...
nice blog. however, 'its' seems to be so.... sad & lonely. sometime when things doesn't goes as plan, it might not because of your surroundings. at times my dear, you must seach into your heart and ask yourself ~ am i doing it right? if you find it, fix it before it's too late.
3:48 PM "

When I first started this blog, it is more for personal view apart from few close friends who lives afar which serves as our mode of exchanging life experience, sanctuary of release and many things. However, of late I noticed that many viewers have stumbled into my blog and start reading my life which at times prompted me to stop it and start anew with more anonymousity.

But, nevermind.. see how it goes.

I received the above comment for my last post, after returning from my sister's place while checking all my mails and I smiled. At least somebody cares - to visit my blog, drop a comments and to convict me. Thank You, Anonymous - Who ever you are. I appreciate your attempt. :-)

When things goes wrong, it is true that we have to search into our heart, yes, Our Heart and our life - First of All. The reason why, I do not want to bother about other people or pin point people's fault first. :-)

And now this is what I choose :

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