Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Day

My day today was rather on the run. After done some banking stuff near to my office, I rushed to Bukit Jalil Technology Park for meeting and briefing with VM crew who will be doing filming for our upcoming event. We had a meeting together with the CEO whom I heard of many times but never met him in person. I would say that everybody was excited of coming for the event and most of all, visiting Ba Kelalan - My home sweet home! :-) And despite our length of meeting hours which was stretched on over lunch time, it was constructive one!

Driving back to KL, I did some more banking stuff and then I went to MidValley to buy something for my car which was supposed to be done weeks ago. After buying the stuff for my car, I had my late lunch cum dinner before heading to Guardian to buy disposable rain coat for my jungle trekking adventure. I then, about to rush back to my house when my friend from the Ministry called asking me to fetch her from PWTC. Thanks God, traffic was fine - not too bad and we made it to Midvalley back to get her to buy some stuff for her to bring to Kuching.
Then, I send her off to KL Sentral to catch a train to KLIA.

I reached home about nearly 9pm and almost ready to collapse of exhaustion!

But as I lay down on my bed, I never stop thinking of God's goodness and Grace. He always provide things and blessings to me through these people who never know Him as their saviour. Over the years, EVERSINCE I run my tour business, I could see God's abundance Grace and Blessings! It's true, life is not a bed of roses - but at the end of the day, I found all my problems and hindrance dissapear and settled.

Of recent, I found this tremendeous Grace and Blessings through this people too. They might be un approachable for some because of their status, but with me - they are my good friends. I often asked myself why? I am just a plain simple lady. But I know, It is not all about me. It is about Him. My Jehovah Jireh.

On the other notes, two other things that makes me happy today :

My quilted pillow case done by my sister. See how 'cool' is it? Thanks, sis. I love you!! Hugz!

I bought the glasses that I wanted to buy month ago at 50% off! How cool is that? ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel blessed too. Glasses from TopShop?