Monday, June 11, 2007

Tagged by Gwen

Ha ha.. Tag games again! Thanks to Gwen. *wicked grin*

5 things found in your bag

-Cell Phone
-MNG wallet
-Name Card holder
-Tissue Paper

5 things found in your purse/wallet

- Driving license
-Identification Card
-ATM card
-Membership card (Gym - which I abandoned 8 months ago.., Topshop, Coffeebean)
-Some foreign notes which i purposely kept after travelling for my future us.

5 favourite things in your room

-My double bed
-My books
-My laptop
-My Ikea chest drawers
-My earrings.. (lotssss of them!)

5 things you’re currently into

-Reading and reading.. ( just finished my latest novel, Empress Orchid by Anchee Min. It's recommendable and very interesting. George told me MPH makes huge volume of sales on this book every week. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your wallet and go to MPH..)
-Reading Archie and friends (my only comic obsession)
-Shopping (Hmmmm!)
-Puzzle Game in my cellphone. (My way of distracting my mind off something. It works though..)

5 people you will tag

-Jon (*wicked grin*)

Guys, I'm not going to link you due to some reason. But I know who you are.. So, be nice and respond to this. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lagi tag te ke! na mabud2 ne kerja million sinih!