Monday, June 11, 2007

Tagged by KJ

Ok, again, another tag.... this time from KJ. Thought I had enough, but.. it's the truce that kept me abide :-(

This one is called Twelve Layers.. etc..etc..

Layer One : On The Outside

Name : Flower (translation needed)
Birth Date : 2010 (Good number aye!)
Current Status : Belum Kawin lah!
Eye Colour : Black
Hair Colour : Black
Righty or Lefty : Righty

Layer Two : On The Inside

Your Heritage : Lun Bawang
Your Fear : God
Your Weakness : Lots of it!
Your Perfect Pizza : Thin layer Romeo pizza at Pizza Italia - Taipan, USJ Subang. Must try.

Layer Three : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Your Thoughts First Thing When You Wake Up : Wednesday - Major exhibition to attend.
Your Bedtime : Between 11.30-12.30 pm (Reading time..Alas, my favorite time of the day)
Your Most Missed Memory : Ba Kelalan 23 years ago. Things was then very simple and noble.

Layer Four : Your Pick

Pepsi or Coke : Coke
McDonald's or Burger King : McDonalds - I love the Sundae and fries.
Single or Group Dates : Single of course!
Adidas or Nike : Nike
Tea or Nestea : Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee : COFFEE PLEASE!

Layer Five : Do You ...

Smoke : No
Curse : Not my habit but sometimes I do *oouch*
Take a Shower : Twice every single day.
Have a Crush : ummmm... let me think... ummmmm........
Think You've Been In Love : Yes, Still am.
Go To School : Who didnt?
Want To Get Married : Yes. Because I'm normal. Ahaha
Believe In Yourself : Yes
Think You're a Health Freak : Not really but I do concern about my health.

Layer Six : In The Past Month

Drank Alcohol : Yes, I had Port Wines brought by my bro in law fr Dubai
Gone To The Mall : Last Saturday
Been On Stage : Nope - Thank You
Eaten Sushi : YES... I was starving like crazy
Dyed Your Hair : Cant remember..

Layer Seven : Have You Ever ...

Played A Stripping Game : Nope!
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Nope! I'm happy with myself.

Layer Eight :

Age You're Hoping To Get Married : *shrugged* its all God's timing.

Layer Nine : In A Girl/Guy

Best Eye Colour : black
Best Hair Colour : Depends.
Short Hair or Long Hair : Short hair for guys, long hair for ladies.

Layer Ten : What Were You Doing

1 Min Ago : Squeezing my brain of idea to write here.
1 Hour Ago : On the phone with my sister.
4.5 Hours Ago : Costing work.
1 Month Ago : Life adjustment after months of absence in KL
1 Year Ago : Thinking of what is going to happen 12 months down the road.

Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence

I Love : My God
I Feel : Blessed and deal-ed with.
I Hate : My weaknesses.
I Hide : My feelings, sometimes.

Layer Twelve : Tag Five People (aha!)

1. Rona
2. Rachel Pudun
3. Gwen
4. CJ
5. HSL

Pheww! It's done and I am starving.


RSD said...

SMT- why do you like to Tag me so much. Manage to Tag the other 4. What was the result..hehehee...keep tagging...

TZ said...

SMT- I noticed you often got tagged by someone... :-> Fortunately i only got tag two times and have not even fulfill one yet i.e. tagged by immanuel.