Monday, June 19, 2006

Football fever

Lacking of inspirations drove me to a blogging hiatus lounge for a while.

Life is pretty mundane at the moment. Caught up with the World Cup football fever, at least I have something to occupy my time at home and at night which I found depressive for the past few weeks.

Last Saturday, we chilled out at Jimo's condo together with his colleague Eddy. Eddy is a cute guy with great sense of humor. Meeting him for the first time, we all hit it up like an old buddy. Baileys, beer, coffee, oranges, pretzels and nuts - Jimo spoilt us with his cool hospitality. One good points of having a flight steward as a friend. We hung out there till 2am and I arrived home dragging my sleepy body to my peaceful slumberland. Thanks Jimo!

Saturday, I skipped church and cancelled lunch with Thiew as I wanted to watch the concert which commenced at 12.30pm. Evening, meeting with LB Association for the upcoming annual dinner.

Night, watching the match between Brazil and Australia. Brazil won! Praise the Lord! (I know somebody is gigling now.)

That's my favourite team.

What have I wrote here?

1 comment:

uncle boy said...

LB annual dinner? at Saloma right? rm60 per person...