Friday, June 09, 2006

Black and white

I dont know where to start and what to start with.

At the moment, life is black and white. Waking up in the morning, blinking away my still sleepy eyes and forcing my aching body to get up and take shower, take off to work, and sit in front of the computer and attending all the craps, off the computer, heading back home, cooking dinner, watching a series and get back to sleep...

But sleeping is a big deal for me nowadays. I might need to see a doctor for this problem and I knew what's the reason.. I plunged into that mild depression again. I do not understand why, there is no apparent reason that caused my depression and I really need help. Sharon, please pray for me. I feel down.

1 comment:

saran said...

dear nga,

will pray for you. just let God floods your life with His love and yield unto His cross all your burden. just remember that even in the darkest and lowest time of our life he will never ever let off our hand as long as we let Him take control over all our worries...thought...desires...problems...u take care..