Thursday, June 29, 2006

Culture and Distance

She called me again, sobbing.

I understands how much pain she is going through now with unbearing ache and sadness. She called it quit of the relationship of three years with shattered heart and emptiness. She got it all, good career, good pay, good family but she lost the only love of her life. Leaving the space in her life vacant again.

He cheated on her, but she never blamed him. She blamed the situation instead. They were far apart from each other. Making me thinking twice of developing a long distance relationship which is something I am going into now. Different culture and different environment makes it difficult and yet interesting.

When we get married, we will compromise.

If I were to follow him and live in his culture, I will cook rice and sambal. I will decorate our home with much of ethnic touch, creating more of Sarawak, Borneo ambience. I will teach our kids with Asian value, I will teach them our mother tongue dialect, I will bring them back to Sarawak every once a year, just to get them in-touch with our nature and culture. I will teach them to value their relatives and love ones as blood bonding. I will ensure that they grow in a healthy and balance home not a cold home with stiff conversation on the dinner table.

If he were to follow me, our ideal place of living would be Singapore. I will cook steak and spaghetti. I will decorate my home with more rugs, fancy lamp, wall frame, candle holder, crystal and more of western touch so that he will feel at home. I will ensure that our children will enter international school, making friends with everybody at school and make them international yet still have their Asian moral and value. I will still teach them of jungle and stuff. Surviving and learning about our roots and ancestors.

And above all, I will ensure that my family will move on loving and fearing God.

Will it be possible?

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