Monday, April 10, 2006

The rainbow and The promise

I saw myself standing on a cliff facing the hills.

It was just after raining and the sun begins to shine, with its afternoon brightness. Suddenly, as I turned my face to the east, then I saw them. Multiples of rainbows!! Setting beautifully overlapsing each other, it stood majestically adorning the fresh view of the greenish hills.

I then realized that I had my digital camera in my hand and begin to take the shot albeit one question popping in my mind..

".. on their way to back to BK in the helicopter, then they saw this huge, beautiful rainbow. As Gerald begins to take his videocam to capture the view, suddenly it vanished..!" said my mom, when we were in the room. Her arms is around my nephew and sister in law. Choking her emotions, she continued," I know, its the sign of PROMISE.." She said again.

My sister in law remains compose and my nephew is trying hard to hold back his tears..

If I want to take this beautiful pictures, will it vanish again? And I did. To my delight, the pictures remain in the camera.

I woke up, and my dream keep on lingering in my mind. I was in Balikpapan when I had this dream and thats when Uncle Mika was called home to be with the Lord.

I felt this sense of peace overwhelming me, and my soul keep on praising the Lord. For I know, that life is a piece of jigsaw puzzle and God works on it one by one. Eventually, a beautiful picture will come out. That's the PROMISE.

Everytime I look at a rainbow, I never fail to remember His Promise.

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