Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Cross

"..So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
and exchange it some day for a crown.."

Everytime I hear this song, and sing it in church, no matter what conditions my heart was in, I never failed to drop a tears. So poignant, so emblematic, so significant.

Why old rugged Cross? Why death? Why suffering?

I know, millions of people in this world still have the misconceptions about this Old Rugged Cross where Jesus has died and suffer for the sin of whole world. They keep and take the Cross symbol as a reminder of death and suffering of Jesus. And some people take keep their cross as their 'visible keeper' or luck charm. Why is that so?


I keep two Cross myself.

My white gold pendant and one in the car.


Everytime I look at the Cross, It will remind me of GOD's unconditional LOVE.

Thats the only answer.


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