Thursday, April 06, 2006

Major Renovation

Yesterday I went to Frankie's Trio Studio to do some 'major renovation' on my 'crown'.

Being on a fast paced schedule for the past few months, I really does not have time to attend to my 'crown'. And now it ended up like Ah Lian's crown. With it's end on the verge on split up, limp roots, uneven colour ( my mistakes of letting those crap in Miri to give some highlight touch, and it end up like burning bush if I walk under the sun) and outgrown curl.

Frankie has been my hairdresser for few years now and he really knows what I want. Despite being the most expensive hairdresser that I ever had, still after few attempts to switch to new different hairdresser I still have to visit him eventually. He will do the renovation albeit with a very expensive price. My sister will literally throw up whenever I mentioned how much do I spent on my hair.

Having to meet peoples in my line of work, I know that I have to improve my appearance. First impression is important. So, yesterday I decided to sacrifice 3-4 precious hours to do some 'major renovation' on my hair. And I visit Frankie.

He said my curl is outgrown and need some trimming. He has to do some rebonding and colouring to cover the 'corrosive look' on some parts of my hair. And finally treatment. After doing some quick calculation in my head, I just agreed.

So, the lady begins with shampoo and bla bla..

Ending, Lo and behold, I spent some precious 7-8 hrs for the process and RM400 plus for the whole things! Dont ask me question.


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