Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I'll be leaving again tomorow.

Despite the exhaustedness of constant travelling, I am still grateful for so many things :

- I still have clients to take care of
- I still have funds in the accounts
- I still can travel on airplane
- I still can see places
- I still can get to see my parents and sibling
- I still have friends praying for me, apart from my parents
- I still can indulge myself with my favourite carrot cake baked by my sister (The best cake ever!)
- I still can lie down on my bed resting
- I still can laugh over the phone when Jen call saying something funny
- I still have my car

There are countless of things that I am grateful at. Though, my company is not as big as the other competitor, I am still grateful that God always turn up to help whenever I'm in need.

I am still praying for my clients, before their embarkment so that God will take care of them and bring them back safe and sound. And fulfilled. And blessed.

I always remind myself that, as how God leads these clients to me, that is exactly how He work through their tour until they reach home safe and sound.

Not to forget my staffs and other parties involved. Without them, the tour cant go on smoothly.

So, I'll post again next week once I'm back.


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