Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Just Be Yourself

I just discovered another blog yesterday while searching for some information for my upcoming promotional bash in KL.

As I read on, I found that the owner was my freshie during Uni days. I've always known him as a polite, religious and nice to do guy. Ironically, he is not today. I can tell from reading his blog without meeting him in person. Another disturbing facts was that he tends to link a lot with gay's stuff in his blog which to me, reveals enough the inner person of you. Disclaimer : I am not against anything or anykind of relationship. I believe this is free world and everybody has their own choice to make. Period.

When someone blog, most of it will potray your innerself or private world. You are exposing the other side of you which the world dont normally see.

And, some bloggers, they tend to imitate others through their writing to my annoyance. Imitating a good example of writing is fine, but if you tend to swear, curse and blurt out all those four letter words just to be like others.. Please shut your blog.

If you blog, be yourself.

Just be yourself.

1 comment:

saran said...

nga, I guess i know who is that fella. What a thing man!! Can't believe my eyes and you know lar he was once very strong in the Lord!!! to talk to him lar...