Friday, September 23, 2005

P & D

I have not been feeling well these past few days.

I was down with sore throat and fever. Last week was blasting amazing where God shows His grace and blessings to me. We were participating in MATTA Fair at PWTC for three solid days. Numbers of people gushing in is like streaming of water. Too many people and you almost lost your voice explaining products and convincing people about your price. For the first day, I managed to close two sales for my new products. Thank You, Lord!

On the second day, my thousand copies of flyers finished as early as 7 pm albeit no sales closed on that particular day.

On the third day, I managed to close two sales again albeit without much effort and at the end of the day, I found that I still have half of my flyers left. Awesome!

Moral of the story:

Prayer and dedication.

On the very first day, as Rebecca and I drove to Midvalley to pick STB and go straight away to PWTC, we prayed in the car. Dedicating the day and ourselves into the mighty hands of God. That He will lead our way and cleanse our heart and mind. Indeed, God is in control.

On the second day, we were rushing as we thought we were late so, we forgot to pray and dedicated the day to the Lord. Nothing happened although I felt I have almost captured two to three person who almost buy my product.

On the third day, again on the way to the fair. We took time praying in the car, dedicating our day into the Lords hand. After praying, I heard this small voice speaking to me," When your pray, dedicating your day and yourself into the Lords hand, surely He will purify your heart and mind so that whenever your speak to people, your will speak with a clean heart and mind and surely you will make an impact into their heart". Indeed it is true. God really speak.

I told Rebecca to make it into practice in the company and individual life.

God is good, all the time!

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