Friday, January 23, 2009


I write this entry while our group GM presenting the company's overall review at the Company's yearly Review and Goal setting meeting at Park City Everly, Miri.

I am not the type of person who likes to attend long and boring meeting and I would rather have one short and direct one. The most important thing is that everyone to receive and understand your message.

I prefer to make things happen. And for a good cause to everyone.

People always wonder how I have put things together and conduct events successfully over the past few years while I was with the company.

I have goal. I have vision. I visualized things before it happen. And I work my way through it.

But with clear conscience. No hidden agenda.

Pure heart and intention.


And direct communication with my Creator for guidance.

That is why, I totally agree with John F Kennedy :

"Some men sees things as they are,
and say Why
I see things as they were,
and ask why not?"

That, I agree.

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