Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hello From The United States

I am still here, in the land of opportunity. The weather was rather hot and sunny here but at night the temperature will drop slowly that you'll find yourself all covered in the comforter the next morning.

Colorado is beautiful and in no time, I've made plenty of friends and despite all that, I still miss my home - Malaysia.

Sunrise greeting me in San Francisco

Barbequed Steak

The blooming patio.

Moi with Elizabeth, who is from Texas. She has a very strong Texas accent which I struggled to keep up in the beginning and begin to enjoy it now. And tomorrow I'm hailing to Texas! :-)

With Tim and Kelly.

View from the bedroom.

See the beautiful sunny day?

And I enjoyed the serene neighbourhood too.

Not to mention the thrift store that sells second hand goods at a very good price, the view and shopping, everything is so good about America.

Nevertheless, Malaysia is still my home.

Yes, I am glad that I am now in America.

I am glad that I still live in Malaysia.

The window has opened wide, and I see balancing in my eyes.

Thank You Lord, I am me - a Lun Bawang lady who still appreciate my culture and tradition amidst the foreign beauties.

And most of all, I still see God as my number One. That will never change - I pray.

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