Sunday, April 13, 2008

Transboundary Tourism

Of late, I've got many friend request on my Facebook and many of them are people whom I do not know but somehow connected to my online friends or Lun Bawang folks. However, I have to ignore few requests especially when I dont know you, but all you posted up on your profile pictures are weird pictures etc. I'm sorry if I ignored your requests despite your attempt of adding me many times. I dont mean to be rude or ignorant, but at least decent profile pictures of you would be nice so that I know who you are and not pictures of car, nose, back of your head etc. So, that explains why I didnt add you guys. :-)

Our recent assignment, developing transboundary tourism from Malaysia is quite a challenge and thanks to Formadat for sponsoring the trip to Krayan, Kalimantan.

Enjoy pictures below:

That's called Yupai Semaring's peak - Lun Bawang warrior in the past time.

Modernized Long Bawan - the administrative district of Krayan Selatan. It takes about only 1 1/2 hours ride on motorbike ride from Ba Kelalan to this place. Make sure you have the valid permit to enter Indonesia.

Zainal at work while Hellen enjoying the view.

View of Long Bawan from the top.

Hellen, Paulus and Zainal descending from the peak. It was very hot.

Opening procession, every location (village) will present different cultural items. I would say that, their items are complete as they gave their 'all out' just for this event.

Talun attire - The Lun Bawang's gear.

The field of Long Bawan where procession was to take place.

Presentation from Long Api

They even made this!

The tribesman from Lg Api

The kids from Long Api

Entire group of kids from Long Api

See the beads?

Ezainee and I. Look at Ezainee's necklace. That was made of one type of seed from the jungle and very hard to find. The ladies gave each of us one set.

Blow pipe demonstrations.

Procession continue despite the drizzling rain.


From Lokasi Lembudud.

Kelatang Worm - Zainal and I tried it. Yummy! ;oD

Ladies from Berian.

Pak Agung explaining the way of catching the mouse using this old method to Zainal.


Typical Lun Bawang decor.

Returning to Ba Kelalan - the team proceeded with filming at Long Ritan waterfall.

Natural Jacuzzi.

The spectator.

This one I love. The freshness of the jungle, blue sky and sun.

Lun Bawang food at display in Krayan.

I am a Lun Bawang. I am proud of it.



saya sanggat senang melihat photo yang anda muatkan di Blog anda ini.
saya Chan Lee Asli suku Dayak Sepah LUN KRAYAN. saya saat ini study di Indonesia Jawah Tengah Jurusan Fisika Sains Dan Pendidikan.

do mepapu dan perueum bang tabi bang ngadan Tuhan Teu.
pele papu kite lemaba bang blog ini miyek ngeneu tali rurum bang kinanak teu lun Banwang.

Anonymous said...

God Damn't..!!
i love ur pict about lembudud especially, thats my hometown..