Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Call

Many years back I could not understand, why people from all over make a serious effort to fly or endure long hours drive through this non-too-friendly logging road just to attend the nomination day for candidancy.

Last week, I was on the last flight to Lawas from Miri, a day before nomination day. Travelling along with us in the flights are few old folks and younger ones who flew all the way from Bario. I do not know them personally but as we entered the aircraft, then only I noticed that they are Kelabit from Bario who fly to Lawas just to join the nomination day. I watched this two particular men who aged more than 60 or 70's and I could not help but to feel this deep compassion to this people. I remembered the legacy left by my late brother, whom I knew then- having this heart of love and cares for the Lun Bawang, Kelabit, Bisaya, Iban, Penan and others under his constituency.

These people, whom I travelled with that day, I know - sacrificing their time and work for a cause. With a hope that someone of a higher post and ability will look after them, fighting for their cause, helping to improve the education of their children and many more : to make life more easy in the remote area on the highlands.

Please take care after these tribes - fight for their cause and materialized the hopes that they have been putting in you.

God Bless You.

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