Saturday, January 12, 2008


Christmas was full of fun especially with the family gathering. With bunches of cousins from 3 clans, we had our christmas this time with lots of makan and uniformed choir.. :-)

I'm taking this opportunity to thank all of fellow friends and stranger (unknown phone numbers) for the christmas and new year wishes. I can't reply all sms-es at one time.

Have a blessed and prosperous New Year 2008.

Enjoy the pictures below:

Cookies and Tidbits. I'm gaining extra pounds now +_+

Gab's favorite.

Biskut Makmur - All time favorites. I'm glad to be Malaysian. :-D

Shortbread is a must during christmas time.

Things that you cant find in KL. This is glutinous rice + coconut milk + bit of sugar + pinch of salt. Wrapped in jungle leaves and steamed for good 6 hours!

Raisin from Sudan - IQ boosters anyone?

Candy! Candy!

Bian's big family practise carolling. Bian is our great, great grandfather and the clans are very closely knitted.

Some of the cousins - the red shirt was bought by a cousin who based in the Philippines.

In mom's kitchen. We are wearing T shirt uniform for the folks who works in the city.

Gab checking on everyone's tshirt size. The boy is good with numbers!

Vic & Bulan

The angels!

More angels

Traditional christmas at home - with the christmas tree procession.

1 comment:

moggie said...

A blessed 2008 to you, sandy.

thoroughly enjoyed your ba'kelalan pics. i love this place and the people so much that i's going back there in Feb.

hope to bump into you there some day.

p/s great photography work.