Sunday, December 02, 2007


Sorry for lack of updates. Too many things happened and too many errands to run, not to mention the workloads that I have to complete before holiday, and I am pretty worn out now. But I still can smile. :-)

One of my aunt has passed away last week after few months sickness. The last time I saw her was during the Apple Fiesta where she helped the husband processing the salt making for the filming. She was then healthy and never I expect her to leave this soon. My deepest condolence to Uncle Musa, Rosely, Busak, Ating and Joshua.

I'm leaving soon to the Land below the Wind to obtain my PADI open water diving license and more updates after. Please pray for 1. Journey Mercy 2. Safety 3. Successful Training 4. Fruitful Time 5. Blessed Time

I am preparing myself to new embarkment - in God's time and for a good cause.


TZ said...

Sorry to hear the news.

Which part of Sabah are you going to get your PADI open water diving? Have a great trip and all the best on your training to obtain the license eh!... (i still have no guts to try diving)

Anyway, looking forward for your good news eh!

SMT said...

It's at one of the TAR Island there. I should have 'dragged' you to join me. Haha.. Underwater world is something we have to explore once in a lifetime. Haha