Friday, July 13, 2012

Street Browse

Few days ago a friend asked me how did I manage when I travel alone. Simple : Be like locals. Think like local. Eat like local. And you will be fine. This time, I missed my traveling buddy, Joslyn who is now still in Kazakhstan braving her guts traveling overland from Sri Lanka. Last year, we went to Laos. Although brief but we had great time. Cycling around the city, visit the local market and tried their famous dish (noodles to die for), indulge in their superb desert, tried their strong local liquor (Rm 2 per glass and we just tried a sip. Feeling like smoke coming out of my nostrils and that's it. We surrender), we tried bugs and such. And quickly get away to look for 100 plus to get rid of the taste. Two years back, we were in Vietnam and having good time too. Sitting with local guy joining them drinking Chinese tea and answering their questions about our country and such. There were lots of laughter too. Today, I was alone ( I declined to being accompanied by acquaintances as I do not want to disturb their schedule) and browse the hustling street of Bangkok. So many things to see and to try. I miss to have Joslyn around. And I found that it is not fun to travel alone.

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