Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I love pavlova. I love it since the very first day I tasted it in my sister's kitchen. It's light, fluffy and bit chewy base, topped with fresh whipped cream and fresh fruits makes me marvel on its sweetness in my mouth every time I take it. Since then I learn how to make the meringue and after few attempts, adjustments and try I can make it better than those in Alexis. And best of all, I am happy that all of my friend loves it. To me, it is more than that. It is not all about baking and stuff. I baked cakes whenever I have something bothering my mind and when life moves fast with so many things in my mind. When I bake, I will be in different world. Learning every mechanism of the ingredients, estimating and speculating the effect and tricks in baking and mixing the cakes, my mind will work on the issue. It will help me to think out of the box. Sometimes, it's the time when I have this silent conversation with God in the kitchen. As I mix eggs, butter, flour and sugar in the mixing bowl, watching it spinning away and form into soft peak, glossy and fluffy, my mind and heart speaks. And I could hear His tender voice in my heart. While waiting for the oven to do it's job, I will be on my lappie or books, working with more organized mind. Thanks mom and sisters for instill this love of baking in me. Now, pavlova anyone?

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