Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Message from the sky

We departed Lawas at 5.30pm accompanying the bicycles which worth more than RM200k. Weather was fine in Lawas and my worry was the rain in the middle of the road which makes it impossible for the dump truck which carries the bikes to reach Ba Kelalan that same day.

Eugene and I were both exhausted and all we want was nice shower, bed and pillow. But task is more important. After getting report from the Regional Manager of samling that it was raining on his way from Merarap thus makes it impossible for us to continue the journey, worries and doubt creeping in.

But dad, who was sitting at the patio sipping his afternoon tea - and apparently listening to my conversation with the manager, convincingly said that we will reach Ba Kelalan that same evening. Somehow it brought comfort into my heart and I silently prayed that God will bring us through and to remove the rain and clouds away from our path and from Ba Kelalan throughout the journey so that we can reach Ba Kelalan on that same day.

As we reach Merarap, I found that the road was dried up despite the heavy rain! We move on to Ravenscout and as night creeping in, two things amazed me : The stars and the moon appeared. Even at this point of time, I could not thank God enough for that grace that I have seen before my eyes.

As I poked my head out of the window to see the sky above, I told Eugene on how good God is. Along the way, the moon shines its way for us, enabling us to see the beautiful formations of clouds 'beneath' us as we drove at the peak and surrounds us. Strangely, it was a beautiful and romantic feeling that I felt during that time. I could feel God's love and could not help but feeling more in love with Him.

As we are nearing Ba Kelalan, the stars has multiplied and it was beautiful and serene! We reached Ba Kelalan at 2am without any problems along the way. Thank You Lord!

On the second day of our stay in Ba Kelalan, whilst Rona, Eugene and I descend from a relative's house, again, the skies was adorned with that beautiful creation of God and we stood there.. Amazed. I could live that moment forever, enjoying the soft breeze on your skin, serenity of your surrounding, bright universe with stars and moon, good friends around you and the smell of the grass beneath..

Last night, again, as I read my daily devotional book, the message again appeared:

.. And depending on where we live, finding moments of solitude where we can gaze at the silent night sky is increasingly difficult. Yet, according to the writer of Psalm 19, if we were able to steal away to a spot where the only sound was our heartbeat and the only sight the canopy of the stars, we could hear a message from those heavens.

In such a moment, we could hear with the ears of our innermost being the noiseless testimony of God’s breathtaking creation.

We could hear from the heavens as they “declare the glory of God” (v.1).And we could watch in amazement as the sky “shows His handiwork” (v.1).

We could listen as “day unto day utters speech” that fills our minds with the unmistakable awareness of God’s splendid creation (v.2).

We could marvel through the night as the firmament shows in unmistakable splendor the knowledge of God’s handiwork (vv.1-2).

Our Creator tells us to “be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10).

A great way to do this is to spend time in His creation admiring His handiwork. Then we will certainly know that He is God!

Friends, it is true, that sometimes God speaks to us through hard circumstances. In our pain, exhaustedness, weaknesses, hard times, suffering, sorrows and trials - He will send the message of love and cares - through the universe and nature to you.

When its too hard to bear, just stop at once. Let go and let Him. You will find beautiful things happen! :-)

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