Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Mount Murud - The Meeting

Turning my TV volume down, I turned on my i-tune, clicking on the new worship songs given by my uncle in Kuching and I browse my picture file. In the cosy atmosphere of my living room with only Indonesian songs played on my i tune - my tears dropped silently. I'm not much of an emo person, but returning from there I realized that I cried easily. So much so, that place once again changed the person in me. Each time I blog about Mt Murud and my experience with God there, I never failed weeping.
The meeting was good and vibrant with the visitation from the Holy Spirit. How can I not relate this prayer mountain with the Holy Spirit?

For the first time I saw the powerful work of the Holy Spirit throughout the entire meeting. Through the three days meeting, God has worked mightyly among His children. On Saturday morning, the Holy Spirit led Rev Gerawat to lead the reconcilation amongst the Kelabit and the Lun Bawang due to past generations before they come to know the Lord. This is significant event in the history of the Kelabit and the Lun Bawang as the reconcilation will break the curse of nations. It was done in such a way that tribe leaders of each community will take part of reconciling with each other and forgive each other on behalf of its tribes.

It was then sealed with a prayer by this Reverend from Nigeria and the rest was followed by celebrations and it moved on without interference from anybody.

It was so obvious of how the Holy Spirit takes place through the entire service that Reverend Gerawat ending up closing the meeting without preaching and the meeting ended at 2pm instead of 12 pm!!

Sunday morning celebration.

The joy that beyond comprehension.

See the faces? Full of joy

Dancing before the Lord.

Sunday night celebrations - as usual, entering the hall you could feel the heavy presence of the Holy Spirit and anointing in the air. Tears falls easily and worship was vibrant. God is moving!

Rev Bisi started with inviting people for altar call. You could hear people fell everywhere under the touch of the Holy Spirit and people cried everywhere. The visitations was so immensely strong and people began to prophesized and speaking in foreign language. For I myself was visited by God and the presence was soo amazing and I felt that it was only for few minutes but people said its more that hours.

The preacher, once again, preached for only less than 10 minutes and the rests was done by the Holy Spirit. We ended the meeting with celebrations of music, songs, dancing and lots of sounding tools.

So much joy!

People dance from one end of the church to the other end.

They bring anything that produce sounds that is to glorify the Lord.

You may not know who is tailing you and who is infront of you..

But love binds.

Lots of laughter.

Dancing in circle! Rona's hair is glowing with happiness. :-)

See the crowd? God is good!

My love ones.

When God gives you joy.. Beautiful things happen!

Sentral Ba Kelalan poses for camera. Humble people with obedient heart that makes God's vision realized on this mountain.

Love binds us together...

Friends, path is open for everyone. Open your heart and receive His love. This place is for you and me. I do not write this post because I want to promote this mountain.

I just want to share the good things that God has done to me here.. Again, it is all about experience. God is everywhere. But it is all about experience..

When you come here, God does not promise that all your problems will be solved. But He promise to give you strength, joy and peace. That you will overcome all the problems with Him walking with you in His mighty power.

There, you will find that you move from victory to victory, and from strength to strength.

Till then, friend. See you at Mt Murud in 2009!!

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