Thursday, January 18, 2007

Someone rang me and ask me what I've been doing lately.. So this is what I'm doing...

I like this motto.. Explore more...

I took this picture during one of the trekking. I begin to appreciate nature from visitor's eyes.

The simplicity makes it unique to me.. Homestay in Long Layu

They still have this cart.. Which I found rather interesting

Above : Airport tower in Long Layu, Administrative Centre of Krayan Hulu

Got it? Working on developing community's life using on my own channel.. Once done, I will get you guys to experience and explore it.


Anonymous said...

ba tagap kerbau midih lem..anun kikid dua anak neh leh? inana senamu baka?

SMT said...

Kikid daun ubi, berek and biter daun timun.. Na senamu baka kelem..