Friday, September 29, 2006

Adrenalin-run-high day

After a day of adrenalin-run-high, I really need a good massage and some retail therapy now.

But I'm not feeling well and today is not a good day for me. I went to Lcc yesterday to send one of my staff off and stop by at Jen's place to collect my medicine but the throbbing pain in my head forced me to lie down for a while and I ended up dozzing off on Jen's bed until 9.30pm. When I woke up, my throat sore, my nose blocked and the back of my eyes heatingly hurt and Jen told me to stay over at her place rather than driving back to my sister's house. Lucky thing I have all my toiletteries and overnight change in the car as my initial plan was to stay at my sister's. So, after taking about 15ml coughing syrup plus 2 tablets of Dexchlorpheniramine, I quickly dozed off.

Next morning, forcing myself to get up to work, I got sms from Jen telling me that my car was clamped despite me having the visitors pass. So, hurriedly I went down after shower and begging the guard to unclamp my car. I ended up paying him RM20 instead of RM50.

On my way to work, my operation office in Miri called saying that my clients has been sent off to Mulu for 3D2N tour but the resort said that they could not let her check in if there is no payment made. I told them that I have made payment yesterday but I havent fax the bank in slip to their office. Then rushing, with clouded mind I drive over 100kmph from Subang to KL to ensure that
I reach the office in time to fax the payment slip.

By 2.15pm, I received a call again saying that the guide didnt showed up and the clients was clearly upset. After numerous calls and texting, we managed to sort things up albeit with both side making loss of having to give her extra tour. Nevertheless, I feel happy as I managed to calm the lady down as she agreed to what I have suggested.

So, everything is fine now and I want to go home and sleep.

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