Monday, August 28, 2006

The Heritage

We had our Lun Bawang annual dinner last Saturday at Saloma Bistro and I do not want to drop any comment here about what was going on. However, It was good to see few faces whom I didnt see for quite sometimes during my college days. I met Emmanuel, Musa, Sophia and George (the bisaya guy) at the dinner and Its good to see that they are doing well and settled.

My first attempt to wear the Lun Bawang costume in Public after my secondary school dancing debut, I felt the sense of pride with my heritage. I used to take all these kind of things for granted and deprived of wearing traditional costume which to me, was somehow, boring and unattractive. As I travelled more, seeing places and meeting people, then, things began to change. Travelling the world, dining at the most exclusive restaurant and meeting new people, set a good change into my perception. Nothing on this earth can compare to the beauty of my heritage, custom and culture in my eyes.

I remembered well, we were invited for fine dining at one of the top hotel in Berlin, this guy asked me over the table, about how much I appreciate my heirloom. I was taken aback! As I struggled to find the correct answer, with all eyes were on me, I just shrugged shoulder like a dumb bimbo. Apparently the guy was an avid fan of all kinds of beaded heirloom and has been studying about the Lun Bawang beads which he found the most interesting one. I felt like hiding my face in the bucket and was really embarassed.

There were few incidents that knocked me into realization of the beauty of our heirloom. I now appreciate all kinds of heirlooms pieces that mom has bought and keep for us, and also I now could hear the 'sweetness' in the sound of 'suling' and 'bas' the bamboo musical instrument played by the bamboo band.

And now, it really pissed me off when people told me that they do not want to wear the costume because it makes them look like 'ah soh', and ugly aunty.

For our heirloom is still the best. Through my eyes.

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