Thursday, August 17, 2006

God : Grace and Goodness

Now I turn back into high heels, office suit, leather bags, mont blanc, designer sunnies and the black stockings after few weeks of cargo pants, t-shirt, jeans, backpack, cap, bandana, flip flops, trekking gear and Ocean Pacific.

I remembered how I was dreading the thought of going home for a brief visit due to loads of job in the office. Life was at it peak of fast and furious. I was left with no choice but to board the plane as my ticket has been bought and could not be refund. Leaving on the early morning flight, I never stop swearing and grumbling in my heart for so many things. I'd rather stay in the office doing my job than wasting one precious day alone to fly and get back home.

I stayed overnight in Lawas before proceeding for the highlands the next day and I was not prepared for what I experience as I reached Ba Kelalan.

The charm, serenity, warmth and lots of love.

I have not prepared for comprehension to take place in mind with peace and joy abound in my heart. I began to see things from different eyes. As always, I began to fall in love with the serenity. It is the feeling of peace like the river flowing in my heart and mind, helping me to relax and opened a clearer space for insights in my mind and listening heart. I could feel the presence of the Almighty One in that valley of Ba Kelalan.

As I sit in my parents living room, looking at the majestic greenish mountains surrounding, adorned by the clear blue sky, and soft gushing of bamboo leaves near my parents fish ponds, with cool wind blowing softly through the small opening of the window and oh! those familiar people passing by. Faces whom I have seen since my childhood time, and today, wrinkled and ageing grayish as time goes by. But one thing remain and never change. Their warmth and love that I feel twenty years ago. It still the same. One reason I love my people dearly. Despite the simple life that they lived each day, they are still blessed and thankful. With RM 10 or less in their wallet, they never worried of living or tomorrow. They still have rice to eat, the salt to season their meal and wild jungle produces to complete their meal set. Still they have shell from the river for dinner and tapioca for snacks.

Some of the children never had McDonalds, KFC, Baskin Robbins and A&W, but they live each day with joy and simple innocence. And much love from mummy and daddy, grand parents and relatives. That is enough to keep them in the protective zone as a child and keeping them grow in a strong and warmth family unit and environment before they face the city life.

My family has our own solar power for hot water in the lodge. Each time I had my hot shower, I never stop thanking God for His blessings and I never deprived from thinking those who never had the luxury of hot shower in the cool climates on the highlands. I am thankful for the technology that create nature resources such as waterfall into hidro power that lighten up my village at night. Technology that convert the sun power to enable us to surf internet on the highlands. Solar technology that give us hot water without us worrying about the electricity bill. Technology that build the communication power, which enable us to make and receive a call from the highlands. And I appreciate these technology which works without contributing damage to our soil, water and air.

As He is the same God to every tribes, who love everyone unconditionally, who blessed each tribes in different way, I believe that He is the same God who take the Lun Bawang tribe from the miry clay and set our foot on the rock. He washed us and blessed our ancestors with the greatest gift. The Salvation.

And today, I am one of the Lun Bawang generations who have seen God's grace and goodness.


Anonymous said...

wah... I love your write up. So very nice. How I love to go to this place call Ba kelalan...Its sounds like paradise... like heaven... I'm going to make this A-must-thing to do in my life. Ba kelalan, he I come...not just yet

Anonymous said...

wah... I love your write up. So very nice. How I love to go to this place call Ba kelalan...Its sounds like paradise... like heaven... I'm going to make this A-must-thing to do in my life. Ba kelalan, he I come...not just yet

SMT said...


Please do come! You'll like it there...