Saturday, August 12, 2006


I am back.

After being in isolation mode for three weeks without my realization. I was in the library trying to log in into internet in Ba Kelalan when a guy next to me said that my visit this time is longer than the normal ones. That's when I asked everyone if its true and it did.

I've been there for three weeks! And I didnt realized it as I really enjoyed my stay doing my work in such a peaceful environment without having to worry about anything and everything.

Another highlight of the trip was my first visit to Long Bawan, the centre of district of Krayan in Kalimantan. I will post pictures when I get back to KL and I am looking forward for another visit there.

Apart from that, I met couples of new friends from Jakarta, Japan, England and Australia in Ba Kelalan.

I am now in Miri and will be back to KL soon. And I missed him.