Wednesday, January 16, 2008


With Rascall Flatts's "Bless The Broken Road" playing on the loop, the smell of the Eucalyptus plant freshly imported from the Land down Under and the soft light in the room helped soothes me for a while.

The past few days, having Gabriel sleeping next to me was tenderly soothing. With the pillowtalk, entwined fingers, feeling his warm breath on my face with lots of chuckles, I welcomed the companionship which helped me to break away from my profound thinking for few moments.

Listening to my little nephew's ranting and laughter makes me feeling like little kids again. Often whenever I feel tired and stressed out, I would take a long drive to my sister's place and lie down on the boys' bed. By watching them quarell over small thing, asking a lots of question, laughing and moving about in the room enough to drive me calm. It is like entering into a different dimensions - world without problems. Yeah, kid does not have to worry about tomorrow. They need not to worry about bills, insurance, bank accounts etc. Their world are just merely play and fun.

Just yesterday, having that little Gabriel next to me - holding his tender hands while listening to his rant it seems like I'm sapping a strength from that little boy.

I am still in a confuse state and still consider and thinking of few things profoundly.


On a lighter note : A surprise visit from this professional photographer who went to Ba Kelalan on my blog. Looking at his photos, one could not help but falling in love with all the moments and faces that potrayed in the photos. Visit - (Andy, I hope you dont mind :-P )

1 comment:

moggie said...

of course i do not mind. i'm honoured.

p/s professional photographer?.....hehe. dont know about that though. : )