Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dear Commando

I was in Kuching yesterday, attending few meetings, back to back which resulted constructively encouraging at the moment. Meeting new people and catching up with friends over lunch, I trully enjoyed my visit to Kuching this time.

And guess what? I met this college-mate whom I knew back then was so famous and hot at campus. We were both speechless upon introduction and little did we know, we were in the same industry for more than four years but never came across to each other. He was well known during campus time as he was the only guy with distinguished looks of mix parentage and a very fierce commando of Kesatria to which i have avoided by taking Asabena instead.

After exchanging card, I went off for Laksa lunch with Maurice and Melisa then he sms-ed me his number. We promised to have tea in the afternoon after work which we did and we had long, long chat about campus life and our personal life. I found it is rather funny on how life brings friends together. We were then a total stranger to each other and just yesterday we talked about so many things as if we have known each other for a long, long time!

Yeah, that's life and Kev, that's fun - and you are right when you say, we do not know where life leads us. Yeah, thats life!

Thanks for the wonderful time & chat! :-)

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