Friday, November 02, 2007

The Conferences

Few days before the conference, I had this argumentative conversation with the organiser for room allocation whereby I was forced to top up few more bucks due to room unavailability despite the positive report that I've received.

And with the company of one of my colleague, we drove up north to the East Coast and I was transfered the next day to the hotel where we stayed. The schedule itself was way behind time, and we had full day at the conference hall at another hotel and until I went back to my hotel in the evening, I was taken aback by this.

The scenery itself was tad familiar as if I have been here before that makes me sat and think of the indigos - when it comes in vivid pictures of my dream couple of months before. I saw myself here and alas! this day itself I stood there, mesmerizing my dream and it seems like time stood still with me.

This place is beautiful!

After dinner that night, while chatting with fellow participants at the lounge, I saw this beautiful landscape again. I quietly withdrew from the crowd and stood there again, trying my best to capture the scenery with my dad's camera (how I miss my Canon! :-/ and screw Olympus!)

See the full moon with its reflection on the still sea? It's calm & romantic!

The view at day time. It's beautiful despite the 'rundown' rooms.

And before I left for KL, we went to Club Med!! Yipeey!! Been There, Done That!

A day later, another conference at PWTC organized by VM. It was well organized and everybody was happy! Our speakers are from Google, AsiaOne, DoubleClick, Bezurk & others. And the coolest things discussed were, FACEBOOK! Haha.. It's no more a teeny-weeny things but mostly of working adults stage. That's the fastest way of marketing online where everyday, thousand of applications added in the FACEBOOK.

With the senior guy from Google - Spontaneously and jokingly I asked him if he has Facebook account (because I believed by his age, he has none) and he said yes! Haha Saying that, each time during his speaking engagement he will be asked this kind of question and he has to open one. Cool!

With the CEO of VM.

That certs was endorsed by the Minister of Tourism himself!

And for now, I think I had enough of eco tourism, conservations, mass tourism, e marketing, wikipedia, facebook etc.. heard the words hundreds of times these two weeks! I better get back to work!

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