Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Tribes, Puzzle & Maze

When things goes beyond limit, and piss-ed off words often come out of your mouth, all you need is to switch off your phone, computer, pack your bag, hop on the next leaving coach and live with the hill tribes.

After much persuasions from close friends, I did just that! Delaying my trips for two days due to some buka puasa functions and work to settle before I leave, I packed my bag, switched off my handphone and been driven to the bus station. Thanks Fiona!

My destinations was this small town which has waterfall, jungle and Orang Asli tribes in its territorry.

Chamang Waterfall - Rejuvenating.

Sitting on the dead log, cooling my leg in the water - my friend suddenly snap this shot and commented the smile doesnt come from the heart. Maybe...

I've visited 3 villages and helped with voluntary works of working among the children. And it was indeed fun and two kids has captured my heart.

This lad (picture above), caught my attention when we reached the first village.

I was sitting in the corner, adjusting my camera while waiting for the children to finish with their colouring and suddenly she stood and sat next to me. Staring at my huge earring :-) and blue pedicure with curiousity and amazement.

Whenever I glance at her, she will give me that smile. And that brings smile to my heart.

This is one of my favorite shot, as this typical looking OA children watching us from outside the window.

In the second village, while waiting for them doing the colouring.

And in the third village, once again my heart was captured by this cute chubby lad.

With huge eyes, chubby cheek and curly hair - it is easy to notice her among the crowds. She always dozing off when it comes to story time.

Another favorite shot of mine.

And the trip helped me to ponder more and seeing things from different world.

You see, I am not running away from things around me. I am not running away from problems.

I just need some space to breathe, and maybe I am trying to discover myself and what life is all about. It is too much of puzzle and maze.

But one thing for sure - I love you, and always do.


Anonymous said...


I truly agree with you. Sometimes, mundane things can turn grey. Glad you made heed d advise..

Things will be fine...cherie!


SMT said...

HB, Thanks lotsa... Yes, things will be fine, trully!