Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Notes To You


Anonymous said...

nice blog. however, 'its' seems to be so.... sad & lonely.

sometime when things doesn't goes as plan, it might not because of your surroundings. at times my dear, you must seach into your heart and ask yourself ~ am i doing it right? if you find it, fix it before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

nice blog. however, 'its' seems to be so.... sad & lonely.

sometime when things doesn't goes as plan, it might not because of your surroundings. at times , you must seach into your heart and ask yourself ~ am i doing it right? if you find it, fix it before it's too late.

SMT said...

Anon: Thank You. I do not know If my blog sounds so sad and lonely ;-) but it is just my thoughts and rants.

Yes, what you said is true. I do not blame my surrounding and I do not blame anybody on whatever happened. It's just a matter of circumstances that God is bringing me through and it's a matter of how I dealt with it.

Yes, as what you have said, I've been searching in my heart since day one and until today I found no answer, and I am leaving it to God to convict me and bring me thru.

Thanks again, and if you find love in your heart, Please pray for me. For now, I just choose to be still and let God... ;p God bless you!

Thanks for dropping by, whoever you are.