Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Conversation With Dad

I miss daddy, and I really miss him now.

Especially at this point of time, all I could wish for is to walk with him in the farm, listening to his voice, stepping behind him - following his footprint knowing that the path is safe, seeing him moving about, relaxing and giving commands.

I had this heart to heart conversation with dad few days ago, which lasted for nearly an hour. I poured everything that I had kept in my heart, seeking his advise and strength to move on.

After that soothing conversation, as I drove alone to KLIA to pick a friend - I cant help pondering on what meaningful people is about to me. I have just discovered how close am I to dad when it comes to share certain things that I cant share with anyone else. Whenever it comes to major decisions in my life, the first person that I would seek is dad. He listens and never fail to bring me back to senses.

At this point of time, I really need his presence with me.
How I wish having dad, Dina, Lonnie, Gerit, Aunt Maria & Langu Runguh with me now... Sitting with them, listening to what God is saying...


Ken Teo said...

Come over to Singapore and chill out, girl. You take care!!!

WeeLip said...

My dear Datin, it is always a blessing having someone that you can share your thoughts, your feelings. I have never tried that to my parents (I guess we are brought up differently) and I wonder how their reaction will be?

SMT said...

Wee Lip, yes.. its always a blessing! Counting all the blessings that I have, one particular guy named "Berek" also been remarkable to my life now. I can whine, rant and talk anything under the sun with him - he is a blessing to me too.

Haha.. You know who!!

SMT said...

Ken, thanks dearie! Singapore is not what I need now. I want to chill out in the jungle..
