Saturday, September 08, 2007

Pictures Time

The event has been successful and thanks to Rona, the Project Manager of this event who really work hard to organise this event. Not to forget our people, drivers, guides, cooks and Tana Tam for their hard work. Without each of you this event would not be as successful as it is now.

Above all, I would say Thank You to the Almighty One who blessed us with good weather, safe journey and good time throughout this event. All glory belongs to You alone, God.

Enjoy the pictures below:

BJS team with Lo.

Rona, Eugene & I cycling to the Apple Orchard to pick some apples for the pie and struddles!

Ken, you dont believe that Apple grows in Ba Kelalan. See? ;-)

More for you, Ken..

And this too... :-D

Cycling in Kalimantan.

See the beautiful landscape adorned by the cyclist. It's stunningly beautiful.

With scent of mud and fresh paddy field..

Thats Eugene, struggling with his cramp pain under the hot sun.

Bamboo band troop performing the goodbye song to the cyclist who depart for the Krayan Loop.

Bunch of beauties in Long Bawan.

Paulus and I sempat camwhoring with the beauties while waiting for the cyclist to come.

On our way back to Ba Kelalan.

One of the best shot. See the view behind? And that cool smiling guy who keep smiling despite his cramp leg pain.

Pictures of Dot's, Tim and Chia cycling to Long Semadoh.

And have I told you that Miri Mountain Bike Club team are such a cool and multitalented team? Our Yellow ford breakdown due to overheated wire and William stopped by to figure out what's wrong. MMBC - You are the best!

With Mike and Hifzie while shooting the Batu Lawi.

And I proudly present our beautiful kids. Assets of Ba Kelalan.

More pictures later..


TZ said...

Wow! It's interesting :-> I wanna to plan for the trip soon.

SMT said...

By all means! you are most welcome! :-)