Friday, August 24, 2007

The Bounty of Ba Kelalan

Working on our second major event of the year, life is really on a fast lane. About 40 expected guests will step their foot on the highlands this time, watching our team partner - The Miri Mountain Bike Club creating history by exploring the area on bicycle thus marking the first mountain biking event that ever happened in the highlands of Ba Kelalan, Long Semadoh and Kalimantan.

Please pray for :

1. Journey Mercy (Via Flights & Road)
2. Good Weather
3. Fruitful and blessed time in Ba Kelalan, Krayan - Kalimantan, Long Semadoh - Merarap
4. Whole Program
5. Organizing committee - Borneo Jungle Safari & Miri Mountain Bike Club
6. All participants and Guests
7. All those who involved in this event (The people of Ba Kelalan, Krayan & Long Semadoh)
8. Special Protection
9. Our Budget

Thank You & God bless you!


TZ said...

May i know what is the best time to go to Ba Kelalan? I would like to plan a trip there soon...

Is Nov/Dec good time to go? I hope i could go there in conjunction with any festival... wanna to see more cultural things/activities...

I'm having some part time class for these 2 months until Oct 7th, won't able to plan for any vacation. Hope to get a vacation soon as I urgently need one to get out from the stressful city :-p

SMT said...

TZ, Nov and Dec could be rainy season but nowadays its hard to predict the weather. I will keep you updated on any event on the highlands. Next year, march perhaps.. ;-)

TZ said...

Thanks. November / December might not be a good time. My management is looking to send me over to US to solve some outstanding items. Grand Canyon here i come again :-p

SMT said...

Wow! that Grand Canyon? Take more shot for me will ya?

We make it for Ba Kelalan next year then..