Monday, July 09, 2007


Again, I came across another friendsters of someone whom I know and closely related to me. It was amazing to see how these once monsterous, cute, bubbly kids have grown into young teenagers.

They are born half Lun Bawang and half Caucasian who spent their early days in Malaysia and Brunei respectively. Their childhood period was kind of rollercoaster ride with consistent travels, shifting place and moving school. Much of meeting new people and new environment, from the high tech city to the always gloomy, snowy country, to the laidback town and to the cool hometown, Sarawak.

They have endured their parents split and have to live independently at a very young age without much of mommy's presence but constant visits and contacts. They matured early. Sometimes, It was heartbreaking to see how these kids have to cope with their fast pace life and always I wonder what is coming out of them as they grow up.

Years gone by, and so they grow.

Their caucasian father have always ensure that these kids will have a contact with their mother and relatives of the mothers side. And so the Lun Bawang mother, who always make it a point to see her kids and make them her priority in her life dispite everything that happened around her.

As I read their friendsters, I was dumbstruct at one thing.

I was expecting words of hatred and lots of cursing , resembling broken and rebelleous teenagers, but I found none. I found none.

They were content with their life, amount of friends they have around the globe, beautiful places they have been to, amount of relatives they have, new things they have learnt and many more things.

Now I know what shaped this kids.

Its true, they were brought up in a rollercoaster kind of lifestyle, witnessing the parents breakup, but they have never lacked in love. The parents may failed in their marriage, but they never failed in bringing them up together and giving them lots and lots of love. It is in love they have never failed.

Yes, the answer is love.

P/S : The kids that I mentioned are not of the pictures above.


Anonymous said...

I think I know these kids and I just hope that they will grow up just fine!

Yes, love is essential!

Anonymous said...

True . Love counts. When dad re-marry I couldnt accept the fact that this women has taken my mum's place(eventhough she is no longer around). I retaliate. Until now she couldnt give us the mother's love that we long for. Thanks to all the aunties and cousin from BKM who unfailingly give us the love that we hunger for. I look forward to the day when I meet my mum and have the LOVE that I sooo long for.Love you mum... LOVE IS ESSENTIAL!!!!

SMT said...

G : I know they will. They are never lacked of love nor prayer by their aunts and love ones.

Anon : Yes. Understand. Do I know you?