Thursday, May 24, 2007

American Kids

The temperature is getting hotter and hotter each day in KL and I was down with flu and fever last two weeks, much to my annoyance. After dozing myself off with cough syrup each night, I decided to stop feeding myself with drugs of any kinds for these few days to neutralized my bodily fluid. And I started my exercise yesterday. :-)

I have came acrossed this blog of beautiful chinese American lady who apparently the third generation of chinese immigrant who settled down in America which reminds me of Amy Tan, the famous author who writes mainly on chinese living and story.

Reading her blogs, I couldnt help but notice how Americanized they were. They dressed like Americans, eat like Americans, swear like Americans, speak like Americans etc. And the ironic things are, they cant even speak chinese! Although both sides of the parents are chinese. This is sad, sad things for todays generations. Reason being why I always coax my nieces and nephews to learn our language and culture.

M and I discussed this over skype last few days... How if we were to migrate to some places away from our family and people, what is going to happen to our children? (Well, the question is only HOW IF.. not real planning!) I will still raise them with the best balance of both worlds. Getting them to appreciate the richness of both cultures, and hold firm to their own life principals.

M agreed.


Anonymous said...

sound like something is coming up very soon..idan ieh peh keleh anak adi? na ba yo ko! hehe....rahsia2 te anak adi sinih leh...ire M neh peh? American? haha

uncle boy said...

M=Musa? hahaha can or not?