Tuesday, December 12, 2006

God's thinking

Sometimes I do not understand God's way of thinking.

When I think that I am cursed, good things always come to me in such unimaginable way. When I think the door is closed, suddenly I found all windows open for me. When I think I am not worthy, suddenly I am there, on the highest place God put me on. When I choose to stay still, quiet and humble, suddenly all the big heads of company come popping up on my door.

At times I feel like I am pushed into a situation, but without my knowledge, THAT SITUATION is just a beginning of a journey God wants to lead me on. A journey of thousand miles.

I really dont understand.


Anonymous said...

Dear Munga,
I was moved when I read your blog today... It has encouraged me, many years had gone by that at times I keep on asking myself what am I doing?.. and guess what.. roads seems to open up now and then.. I guess God's plan is not for us to understand, but to follow him every steps of our life.. Luv u.. Take care and be courageous

SMT said...


Thanks a lot. Looking back at my previous years now, I could see God's hand in every situations - providing that we submit everything to Him. Wishing you the best for the year to come and HAVE MORE GOOD EXPERIENCE WITH GOD.

Love you too!