Saturday, July 15, 2006


*Image taken by him yesterday on our way to KLIA*

Yesterday I sent him off on a jetplane again. The love of my life left for Houston, leaving me alone in this whirlwind emotion again. He will be away for the next six month and coming back for Christmas.

Past few months has been tremendeously peaceful for us and journey seems a smooth sailing despite all other issues that has been the subject of deprivation in our relationship. I am still obstinate to the idea of bringing him home despite his eagerness to introduce me to his family. Call me selfish or heedless arrogant, just let me dwell in this moment of love for a while..

I love him still and really care about him.

Now that he left, I felt the emptiness again. I miss everything about him.

*sigh* Couldn't wait for Christmas to come.


Anonymous said...

hah...who is your love of life now? in Houston..? lun mebuda ka..introduce lah....heh, in case u ada kawan lun mebuda decur, mare lah keli negku...hehe

SMT said...

Well, ha ha na ba nakal ke'. Mula' lun mebuda decur sen, na keli anun specification pian muh. Ha ha