Monday, April 03, 2006


I went to Penang last weekend. Thursday and Friday was pretty depressing for me as I have loads of things to do since my last trip to Singapore. Finally, on Friday Thiew called me up saying that he's leaving to Penang over the weekend and asking If I would like to go. Gladly I agreed after I coaxed my housemate to tag along. (Weekend before we were in Singapore and drive all the way from JB to KL)

So, next day we left while the city still sleeping. We had our breakfast in Bigor, Perak and off we proceeded up to the north. It was fun and exciting journey for us, especially after hard day in the office and at work. Thiew has just arrived from Cairo on Thursday so it was kinda unwinding trip home for him and we stayed at his sister's house.

Being my second time to Penang, I've always like this state with it's best hawker's food, beautiful colonial buildings and the beach!! I love beaches. Too bad we didnt have much time to spend on the beach as Sunday morning I have to meet up with one of my agents from Penang and discuss business. We left Thiew's hometown in the evening but managed to stop by at the roadside to capture some crazy poses with the Penang bridge background.

I bought seven pack of Penang Asam Laksa for my sister and we reach her house in KL at around about 12.15am before heading back to my house. We reached home at half past one!

What a journey!

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