Thursday, March 02, 2006

Past, Future and a Cow

I still remember, during my Uni days and we attended this CF camp in Kuching. During one of the workshop, we were given a piece of blank paper and pencil. We were asked to draw one long line on the paper and on the line we have to cross it with tiny X or just mark dot few times according to your age(then) and few dots after that.

Then, the speaker asked us to state our age from the very first dot and asked us to look back at our past journey of life then mark the age with big circle. After few moments of solitude in the hall, then he asked us to look into our future. He ask us to mark few dots after our current age (then) and state our goal for certain age.

Murmurs of exciting noises arose in the hall when the speaker call out few people to come forward and share their lifeline with us. You'll share with the group on what had happened during the big circle that you draw on your lifeline. It was indeed a very interesting moment for us and we didnt realized that deliberately it will make sense into our life ten years after.

I cant remember clearly what have I wrote on mine. How I wish I still have that piece of paper is still with me now. Looking back, I can see how God has worked out His divine plan and purpose into my life. At times, He just shoved me into a situation unwillingly albeit with guidance and discipline He lead me on. Deprivation has come into my way sometimes, but God is a cow. (I stumbled across someone's blog today and he quoted that .."No point to cry over spilt milk. God is a cow..". Little did, his entry create a small commotion in his shoutbox. Why cow? BECAUSE He's the source of blessings! He is able! He is the Creator! )

I hope my lifeline will continue from strength to strength. Victory to Victory. And end up well.

for God is my cow

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