Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The blue book

Last night, while putting my photo album back into the basket where I store my books, suddenly my eyes caught the blue book. My life journal for last year. It was indeed stored there for a number of months without my realization as last year I was busy with my travels and so forth. As I flipped through page by page, I realized that I havent updated it for few months and I noticed that the poor book has been my sanctuary of tears and angst.

It has been a place where I place my petition and requests to the Almighty One.


What if I die one day, and people discovered my journals. They will find none other than complaining, requesting, condemning, fearing, uncertainties, heart breaking tales etc..


God has provided me enough. He has blessed me beyond words and has put things into my life perfectly..


I've decided to count on my blessings and personal encounter with God more.. The blue book will still become my sanctuary of tears but It will become my store of blessings and witness to what had happened to my personal journey with God. As how God has given to me, I will write it down, so that one day, the journal will give something to the readers.

Till then..

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