Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I have this weird dream about us two nights ago.

It has been lingering in my thoughts the whole day of yesterday, enough to make up my enormous burden. I am now trying to let go and getting myself ready for the pain. But I couldnt imagine days of waking up each morning, thinking that we do not belong to each other anymore, nor sleeping my head off each night without crying my heart out.

I never intend to spill my heart out on this blog, but I feel quite secure that not everybody knows this blog, not even you for I have been keeping this for my own.

Seeing you leaving on a jetplane to Dubai yesterday enough to break my heart with sadness. When you left with joy on your face, knowing that we'll both will be seeing your parents when you come back makes me hate the days when we both will be broken hearted and sinking into the whirlwind feeling of melancholia. I'm sorry that I have to take this decision.

One day, when you discover this blog, you will know that you have become one beautiful part in my life. And forgive me.

I hope I'll have the strength to move on.


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